Responsive to Community Needs for Over 60 Years
Welcome to: Metropolitan Center for Mental Health
Due to current Verizon Service Issues, our phone numbers are changed.
Please click on here for all new Phone numbers.
Debido a algunos inconvenientes con el servicio de Verizon, nuestros numeros de telefono han cambiado.
Por favor presionar donde dice " Para agendar una cita" arriva encontrara todos los nuevos numeros de telefono.
Mission Statement
Metropolitan Center for Mental Health (MCMH) is a non-profit, outpatient behavioral health organization founded in 1962, dedicated to providing affordable psychological and psychiatric treatment to support the emotional well-being of people living in its surrounding community. Our mission to serve all members of our community regardless of financial or cultural barriers remains core to our service delivery today.All Patient Information via Fax should be sent to 844-906-2434
IN-PERSON & TELEHEALTH Clinical Services
MCMH is currently providing all clinical services in-person and through Telehealth. We are working towards bringing back more in-person providers and will be continuing Telehealth indefinitely. Your safety is our highest priority. MCMH fully adheres to all NYC and NYS Dept of Health infectious disease prevention regulations for healthcare facilities.
Please click on this link for important information about COVID-19MCMH esta actualmente ofreciendo sus servicios en persona y también a través de Tele-Salud. Continuaremos ofreciendo indefinidamente nuestro servicios de Tele-salud además de incrementar el numero de proveedores que puedan ofrecer los servicios en persona. Su seguridad es nuestra prioridad. MCMH se adhiere a todas las regulaciones estipuladas por el NYC y NYS Departamento de enfermedades infecciosas de los centros de salud.
©2001-2025 Metropolitan Center For Mental Health - All Rights Reserved.